Phone:(+86)27 87541860
Academic Areas: Thermal Engineering
Research Interests:Intelligent optimal operation of thermal power units,Clean combustion of coal
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2001, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Master,1991, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Bachelor, 1986, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Professional Experience
Professor(2020-present); Director of Undergraduate School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Professor(2017-2020); Director of Undergraduate Academic Affaires Office, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Professor(2008-2017); Director of School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Professor(2001-2018); Vice-Director of State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Associate Professor(1997-2001); Vice-Director of State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Lecture(1993-1997); State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering ,Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Associate Engineer(1992-1993); Guangdong Power Engineering Corporation , Guangdong YUEDEAN Group Co., Ltd
Students’ Tutor (1986-1989); Power Engineering Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Selected Publications
1. Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Yin Chungen, Zhong Liu, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. More efficient and environmentally friendly combustion of low-rank coal in a down-fired boiler by a simple but effective optimization of staged-air windbox. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 194: 106118.
2. Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Yin Chungen, Wang Huajian, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. A novel corner-fired boiler system of improved efficiency and coal flexibility and reduced NOx emissions. Applied Energy, 2019, 238: 453-465.
3. Tan Peng, He Biao, Zhang Cheng, Rao Debei, Li Shengnan, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Dynamic modeling of NOx emission in a 660 MW coal-fired boiler with long short-term memory. Energy. 2019, 176:429-436.
4. Zhang Xiaopei, Zhang Cheng, Tan Peng, Li Xin, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Effects of hydrothermal upgrading on the physicochemical structure and gasification characteristics of Zhundong coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 172: 200-208.
5. Zhang Xiaopei, Zhang Cheng, Li Xin, Yu Shenghui, Tan Peng, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang.A two-step process for sewage sludge treatment: Hydrothermal treatment of sludge and catalytic hydrothermal gasification of its derived liquid. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 180: 67-74.
6. Tan Peng, Tian Dengfeng, Fang Qingyan, Ma Lun, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang, Zhong Lijin, Zhang Honggang. Effects of burner tilt angle on the combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a 700 MWe deep-air-staged tangentially pulverized-coal-fired boiler. Fuel. 2017,196: 314-324.
7. Tan Peng, Zhang Cheng, Xia Ji, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Modeling and reduction of NOX emissions for a 700 MW coal-fired boiler with the advanced machine learning method. Energy, 2016, 94:672-679
8. Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Lv Dangzhen, Zhang Cheng, Chen Yiping, Chen Gang, Duan Xuenong, Wang Xihuan. Reducing NOx emissions for a 600 MWe down-fired pulverized-coal utility boiler by applying a novel combustion system. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(21): 13040-13049.
9. Tan Peng, Zhang Cheng, Xia Ji, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Estimation of higher heating value of coal based on proximate analysis using support vector regression. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 138: 298-304.
10. Changya Deng, Cheng Zhang, Peng Tan, Qingyan Fang, and Gang Chen ,The melting and transformation characteristics of minerals during co-combustion of coal with different sludge, Energy Fuels, 2015, 29 (10), 6758–6767
2020 Science and Technology Innovation in Hubei Province (Second Prize) : The key technologies of precise control for whole cycle of fuel in thermal power enterprise and its utilization
2014 National Science & Technology Innovation (Second Prize): The theory of blended coal combustion and whole process optimization techniques for large scale utility boiler
2012 National Education Minister Science & Technology Innovation (Second Prize): Research and application on the optimal combustion technologies of coal blends for utility boilers under complex coal-type condition
2010 Science and Technology Innovation in Hubei Province (First Prize) : Dynamic optimizing System for multi-coals’ full workflow blending in the Thermal Plant
Courses Taught
Boiler Theory, for undergraduates
Combustion Theory and Technology, for graduates
l Enterprise cooperation project: Research on coordinated optimization of boiler efficiency, NOx and steam temperature of unit, 2019/01-2020/12
l Enterprise cooperation project: Study on adaptability and economy of multi coal under wide load for boiler, 2019/01-2020/12
l Enterprise cooperation project: Research and establishment of equipment condition based maintenance and repair system in Shajiao C Power Plant, 2018/01-2020/12
l National Basic Research Program of China, “973” project : The fundamental research on high efficiency hydrogen production from coal based on CO2 capture, 2009-2011
l Major science and technology special project of Guangdong Province: Study on the coal blending and economic operation and Application in large coal fired power plants, 2008-2010