Email: xbcheng@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Power Machinery and Engineering
Research Interests: Internal Combustion Engine spray and combustion theory, new alternative energy and its application, Turbocharging technology, Structural strength optimization design of modern ICE.
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2003, School of Energy and Power Enineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
Bachelor, 1986, Department of Naval Architecture engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
Professor (2014-present); School of Energy and Power Enineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
Associate Professor (2003-2014); School of Energy and Power Enineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
Senior Engineer (1986-2006); Technology Center, Henan Diesel Engine Group Co. LTD, Henan, China.
Selected Publications
Academic papers in the last three years:
[1] Zhang, Xinhua, Wang, Zhaowen, Wu, Huimin, Liu, Chaohui, Cheng, Xiaobei, & Chen, Jhy. Yuan. Propulsive effect of microwave-induced plasma jet on spark ignition of CO2-diluted CH4-air mixture. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 229, 111400.
[2] Yang, Can, Xu, Haocheng, Long, Tengyuan, Cheng, Xiaobei. On improving the controllability of low-temperature combustion by building two-stage sequential high-temperature reactions in an ethanol/diesel dual-fuel engine using multiple injections. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2021, 0957650921996887.
[3] Zhang Pu, Wu Hui, Song Xueli, Liu Yang, Cheng Xiaobei. Fuel molecular structure influences the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation of butanol / butane isomers : A ReaxFF molecular dynamics study. Fuel 2021:122460.
[4] Liu, Yang., Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Li, Yu., Qiu, Liang., Wang, Xin, Xu, Yishu. Effects of ammonia addition on soot formation in ethylene laminar diffusion flames. Fuel, 2021, 292, 120416.
[5] Wang, Xin, Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Lu, Hao, Xu, Yishu, Yao, Junjie. Quantifying the role of darrieus–landau instability in turbulent premixed flame speed determination at various burner sizes. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(2), 025104.
[6] Cheng, Xiaobei, Li, Yu, Xu, Yishu, Liu, Yang, Wang, Bowen. Study of effects of ammonia additionon soot formation characteristics in n-heptane co-flow laminar diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 111683.
[7] Zhang, Xinhua, Wang, Zhaowen, Wu, Huimin, Zhou, Dong, Chen, Jhy. Yuan. Combustion and flame experimental study of microwave assisted spark ignition on expanding c2h2 -air spherical flames. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 222, 111-122.
[8] Zhang, Xinhua, Wang, Zhaowen, Zhou, Dong, Wu, Huimin, Chen, J. Y. Cheng Xiaobei. Strengthening effect of microwave on spark ignited spherical expanding flames of methane-air mixture. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 224, 113368.
[9] Liu, Yang, Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Qin, Longjiang, Wang, Xin, Yao, Junjie, Wu, Hui. Experimental investigation on soot formation characteristics of n-heptane/butanol isomers blends in laminar diffusion flames. Energy, 2020, 211.
[10] Wang, Xin, Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Lu, Hao, Pan, Fumin, Qin, Longjiang, Wang, Zhaowen. Effect of burner diameter on structure and instability of turbulent premixed flames. Fuel, 2020, 271.
[11] Wu, Hui, Lu, Wei, Chen, Yiwei, Zhang, Pu, Cheng, Xiaobei(*). Application of boehm titration for the quantitative measurement of soot oxygen functional groups. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(6), 7363~7372.
[12] Wan, Jianlong, Cheng, Xiaobei. Numerical investigation of the local extinction and re-ignition mechanisms of premixed flame in a micro combustor with a flame holder and preheating channels. Fuel, 2020, 264, 116837.1-116837.12.
[13] Yang, Can, Wang, Weiye, Li, Yuhang. Cheng, Xiaobei(*). Quantitative study on chemical effects of actual/simulated recirculated exhaust gases on ignition delay times of n-heptane /ethanol fuel blends at elevated temperature. Fuel, 2020, 263, 116327.1-116327.11.
[14] Pan Fumin, Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Wu Xin, Wang Xin, Luo Pingping. Transient performances of the gas turbine recuperating waste heat through hydrogen rich fuels[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019. 44(56), pp. 29743–29751.
[15] Bo, Zhang, Ping, Zhang, Xu Guo, Yin Wang, CHENG Xiaobei, Huang Xin Yuan, Gong Xinrui. Simulation research on cavitation flow characteristics of highly enhanced diesel engine cooling system. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 237(4), 42017-42017.
[16] Du Tao, Wang, Zhaowen, Shi, Shuguo, Lang, Bing, Cheng, Xiaobei. Optimization of the Combustion System in a Marine Engine based on Orthogonal Design Method. 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS). IEEE.
[17] Dong, Shijun, Wang, Zhaowen(*), Yang, Can, Ou, Biao, Qiu, Liang, Pan, Fumin, Cheng, Xiaobei(*). Investigations on the effects of premixed ethanol/air atmosphere on combustion characteristics of n-heptane spray in a combustion vessel. Fuel, 2018, 233, 247-256.
[18] Dong, Shijun, Wang, Zhaowen(*), Yang, Can, Ou, Biao, Lu, Hongguang, Xu Haocheng, Cheng Xiaobei(*). Investigations on the effects of fuel stratification on auto-ignition and combustion process of an ethanol/diesel dual-fuel engine. Applied Energy, 2018, 230, 19-30.
[19] Wang Zhaowen(*), Wu Shang, Huang Yuhan, Huang Sheng, Shi Shuguo, Cheng Xiaobei(*), Huang Ronghua. Experimental investigation on spray, evaporation and combustion characteristics of ethanol-diesel, water-emulsified diesel and neat diesel fuels. Fuel 2018; 231:438–48.
[20] Wang, Zhaowen, Shi, Shuguo, Huang, Sheng, Tang, Jie, Du, Tao, Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Huang, Rong hua. Chen, Jhy, Yuan. Effects of water content on evaporation and combustion characteristics of water emulsified diesel spray. Applied Energy, 2018, 226, 397-407.
[21] Liu, Bei, Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Liu, Jialu, Pu, Han. Investigation into particle emission characteristics of partially premixed combustion fueled with high n-butanol-diesel ratio blends. Fuel, 2018, 223(JUL.1), 1-11.
[22] Liu, Bei, Cheng, Xiaobei(*), Liu, Jialu, Pu, Han. Experimental investigation of injection strategies on particle emission characteristics of partially-premixed low temperature combustion mode. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 141, 90-100.
[23] Rehman, K. U, Liu, X, Wang, H., Zheng, L, Rehman, R. U, Cheng, Xiaobei. Effects of black soldier fly biodiesel blended with diesel fuel on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 173(OCT.), 489-498.
1998 Second prize of science and technology progress in Henan Province,
1999 New product achievement award in Ministry;
Courses Taught
Principles of Internal-Combustion Engine
An introduction to the fundamentals of the subject
Flow, Combustion and Emission Control Technology for Internal Combustion Engines
1. National major basic scientific research projects (973);
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China;
3. National Defense key RESEARCH and development projects.