Associate Professor
Email: zhouxiafeng@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Multiphysics simulation, Neutronics/Reactor physics numerical computation, Thermal hydraulics analysis and simulation, System analysis code development of high temperature gas cooled reactor
Academic Degrees
Ph. D. in Nuclear Science and Technology, 2016, Tsinghua University;
B. E. in Nuclear Science and Technology, 2011, Harbin Engineering University.
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor (2016.7-present), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Selected Publications
1.Zhou Xiafeng, Guo Jiong, LI Fu. Stability, accuracy and numerical diffusion analysis of nodal expansion method for steady convection diffusion equation [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 295(2015) 567-575.
2.Zhou Xiafeng, Guo Jiong, LI Fu. General nodal expansion method for multi-dimensional steady and transient convection-diffusion equation [J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 88(2016) 118-125.
3.Zhou Xiafeng, Guo Jiong, LI Fu. A new nodal expansion method with high-order moments for the reduction of numerical oscillation in convection diffusion problems [J]. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 182-2(2016),185-195.
4.Zhou Xiafeng, LI Fu, Guo Jiong. Jacobian-Free Newton-krylov based on nodal expansion method for neutronic-thermal hydraulic coupling problem [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 9(2015): 092801.
5.Zhou Xiafeng, LI Fu. Stability and Numerical Diffusion Analysis of Nodal Expansion Method for Convection-diffusion Equation [J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2015, 49(4): 705-712.
6.Zhou Xiafeng, LI Fu. Study on efficient global solution method for flow field of HTR core [J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2014, 48(11): 2051-2056.
7.Zhou Xiafeng, GU Haifeng, LI Fu. Determination of Experimental Aerosols for Filtered Containment Venting System and Selection of Technical Parameter [J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2014,35(5):124-127.
8. Zhou Xiafeng, LI Fu. Research on nodal expansion method for transient convection diffusion equation [C]. The 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014, Czech.
9.Zhou Xiafeng, LI Fu. Numerical dispersion and dissipation analysis of nodal expansion method [C]. PHYSOR 2014, International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics, 2014, Japan.
10.Zhou Xiafeng, LI Fu. Nodal expansion method for multi-dimensional steady convection-diffusion equation [C]. 7th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR-2014), 2014, China.
11.Zhou Xiafeng, LI Fu, Deng Zhihong, et. al. Nodal expansion method for Void problems in HTR[C].CORPHY,2014, China.
Awards and Honors
1. Excellent doctoral dissertation Award in Tsinghua University, 2016.
2. Outstanding Ph.D. graduates, 2016
3. National scholarship for doctoral students, 2014
4. Outstanding winner of doctoral consortium in Tsinghua University, 2014.
5. Honorable mention of American mathematical contest in modeling, 2010.
6. Second prize of China mathematical contest in modeling, 2009.
7. Excellent prize of China mechanical competition, 2009.
8.First Prize Scholarship of China Nuclear power,2008
1. Filtered containment venting systems for Qinshan and Ling’ao nuclear power plants (Project supported by the China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.), 2009~2011, Principal Participant.
2. Study on efficient global solution method for flow field of HTR Core (Project supported by the Chinese National S&T Major Project. Grant No.ZX06901), 2012~2013, Principal Participant.
3. Research on method to simultaneously solve the multi-physics, multi-scale, multi-loop problems in high temperature gas cooled reactor(Project supported by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation. Grant No.11375099), 2013~2016, Principal Participant.