Associate professor
Email: yangyingju@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Thermal Engineering
Research Interests: CO2 capture and utilization, Hydrogen production, Large-scale energy conversion and storage, Pollutants emission control, Homogeneous-Heterogeneous reaction kinetics
1. Academic Degrees
1.PhD, 2018, State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
2.Bachelor, 2013, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing Technology University, Nanjing, China.
2. Professional Experience
1.Lecturer (2021- present); State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
2.Postdoctor (2018- 2021); State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
3. Selected Publications
3.1. Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
1.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang. Reaction mechanisms and chemical kinetics of mercury transformation during coal combustion. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2020; 79(2020): 100844.
2.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. FeS2-anchored transition metal single atoms for high-efficient overall water splitting: A DFT computational screening study. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021, 9(2021): 2438–2447.
3.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Kinetic study of heterogeneous mercury oxidation by HCl on fly ash surface in coal-fired flue gas. Combustion and Flame 2016, 168(2016): 1–9.
4.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Comprehensive Hg/Br reaction chemistry over Fe2O3 surface during coal combustion. Combustion and Flame 2018; 196(2018): 210–222.
5.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. CO2-mediated sulfur evolution chemistry of pyrite oxidation during oxy-fuel combustion. Combustion and Flame 2020; 218(2020): 75–83. (IF=4.57)
6.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction mechanisms and kinetics of mercury oxidation in coal-fired flue gas with bromine addition. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2017; 36(2017): 4039–4049. (IF=5.627)
7.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Comprehensive evolution mechanism of SOx formation during pyrite oxidation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2019; 37(2019): 2809–2819. (IF=5.627)
8.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Reaction mechanism of elemental mercury oxidation to HgSO4 during SO2/SO3 conversion over V2O5/TiO2 catalyst. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2021; 38(2021): doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.10.007. (IF=5.627)
9.Yingju Yang, Sen Miao, Jing Liu*, et al. Cost-Effective Manganese Ore Sorbent for Elemental Mercury Removal from Flue Gas. Environmental Science & Technology 2019; 53(2019), 9957–9965. (IF=7.864)
10.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Mechanistic studies of mercury adsorption and oxidation by oxygen over spinel-type MnFe2O4. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017; 321(2017): 154–161. (IF=9.038)
11.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Molecular-level insights into mercury removal mechanism by pyrite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2018; 344(2018): 104–112. (IF=9.038)
12.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Reaction mechanism for NH3-SCR of NOx over CuMn2O4 catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019; 361(2019): 578–587. (IF=10.652)
13.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Density functional theory study on the heterogeneous reaction between Hg0 and HCl over spinel-type MnFe2O4. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017; 308(2017): 897–903. (IF=10.652)
14.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Experimental and theoretical studies of mercury oxidation over CeO2-WO3/TiO2 catalysts in coal-fired flue gas. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017; 317(2017): 758–765. (IF=10.652)
15.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Interface reaction activity of recyclable and regenerable Cu-Mn spinel-type sorbent for Hg0 capture from flue gas. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019; 372(2019): 697–707. (IF=10.652)
16.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Two-dimensional pyrite supported transition metal for highly-efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction: A theoretical screening study. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021; 424(2021): 130541. (IF=10.652)
17.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. A complete catalytic reaction scheme for Hg0 oxidation by HCl over RuO2/TiO2 catalyst. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019; 373(2019): 660–670. (IF=9.038)
18.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Charge-distribution modulation of copper ferrite spinel-type catalysts for highly efficient Hg0 oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021; 402(2021): 123576. (IF=9.038)
19.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Reaction mechanism of CO2 methanation over Rh/TiO2 catalyst. Fuel 2020; 276(2020): 118093. (IF=5.578)
20.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Heterogeneous reaction kinetics of mercury oxidation by HCl over Fe2O3 surface. Fuel Processing Technology 2017; 159(2017): 266–271. (IF=4.982)
21.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. A skeletal reaction scheme for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 over CeO2/TiO2 catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology 2018; 174(2018): 17–25. (IF=4.982)
22.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Nature of Active Sites and an Oxygen-Assisted Reaction Mechanism for Mercury Capture by Spinel-Type CuMn2O4 Sorbents. Energy & Fuels 2019; 33(2019): 8920–8926. (IF=3.421)
23.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, et al. Metal–Metal Interactions of Ternary Spinel for Efficient NH3 Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx at a Low Temperature. Energy & Fuels 2020; 34(2020): 15424–15432. (IF=3.421)
24.Yingju Yang, Jinchuan Zhang, Jing Liu*, Dawei Wu, Bo Xiong, Yuchen Yang, Zhixuan Hua. Nickel Nanoparticles Encapsulated in SSZ-13 Cage for Highly Efficient CO2 Hydrogenation. Energy & Fuels 2021; 35(2021): 13240–13248. (IF=3.421)
25.Yingju Yang, Zhen Wang, Sen Miao, Jing Liu*, et al. Mechanistic Landscape of HCl-Mediated Hg0 Capture by Magnetite. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019; 123(2019): 30434–30442. (IF=4.189)
26.Zhen Wang, Yingju Yang*, Jing Liu*, et al. Experimental and Theoretical Insights into the Effect of Syngas Components on Hg0 Removal over CoMn2O4 Sorbent. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2020; 59(2020): 8078-8085. (IF=3.573)
27.Dawei Wu, Yingju Yang*, Jing Liu*, et al. Plasma-Modified N/O-Doped Porous Carbon for CO2 Capture: An Experimental and Theoretical Study. Energy & Fuels 2020; 34(2020): 6077-6084. (IF=3.421)
28.Jinchuan Zhang, Yingju Yang (co-first author), Jing Liu*, et al. Mechanistic understanding of CO2 hydrogenation to methane over Ni/CeO2 catalyst. Applied Surface Science 2021; 558(2021): 149866. (IF=6.182)
29.Junyan Ding, Jing Liu*, Yingju Yang*, Liming Zhao, Yingni Yu. Understanding A-site tuning effect on formaldehyde catalytic oxidation over La-Mn perovskite catalysts. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022; 422(2022): 126931. (IF=9.038)
3.2. Conference Proceedings
1.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Zhen Zhang. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction mechanisms and kinetics of mercury oxidation in coal-fired flue gas with bromine addition. The Thirty-Sixth International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea, July 31–August 5, 2016.
2.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Lipeng Zhao, Fenghua Shen. Kinetic study of homogeneous and heterogeneous mercury oxidation by bromine in coal-fired flue gas. 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Jeju, Korea, June 14–19, 2015.
3.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Bingkai Zhang, Xiaoyi Chen, Bin Yao. Mercury adsorption and oxidation over CeO2-based catalysts in coal-fired flue gas by experimental and theoretical studies. 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Jeju, Korea, June 14–19, 2015.
4.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Lipeng Zhao, Fenghua Shen. Chuguang Zheng, Kinetic study of heterogeneous mercury oxidation on hematite (Fe2O3) surface in coal-fired flue gas. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19–22, 2015.
5.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang. Experimental and kinetic studies of mercury oxidation by HCl over Fe2O3 within fly ash. 11th China-Korea Clean Energy Workshop, Nanjing, China, September 20–23, 2016.
6.Yingju Yang, Lipeng Zhao, Jing Liu*, Fenghua Shen, Chuguang Zheng. Kinetic study of homogeneous and heterogeneous mercury oxidation by bromine in coal-fired flue gas. The China National Symposium on Combustion 2014, Xian, China, October 31–November 3, 2014. Oral presentation.
7.Yingju Yang, Wenqi Qu, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang. Mechanism of homogeneous and heterogeneous Hg/Cl oxidation in coal-fired flue gas. The China National Symposium on Combustion 2015, Beijing, China, October 26–28, 2015.
8.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Fenghua Shen. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction mechanisms of mercury oxidation in coal-fired flue gas. The 1th National Conference on Combustion Chemistry, Chengdu, China, May 22–25, 2015.
9.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Sen Miao. Mercury removal by recyclable and regenerable CuxMn(3-x)O4 spinel-type sorbents. The China National Symposium on Combustion 2016, Ma An Shan, China, October 21–23, 2016.
10.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Sen Miao. Heterogeneous mechanism and kinetics of mercury reaction with HBr over Fe2O3 surface during coal combustion. The 2th National Conference on Combustion Chemistry, Dalian, China, May 19–22, 2017.
11.Yingju Yang (Presenter), Jing Liu*, Feng Liu, Zhen Wang, Sen Miao. Interface Reaction Kinetics for NH3-SCR of NOx over CuMn2O4 Catalyst Surface. The 15th National Conference on Chemical Dynamics, Nanjing, China, August 18–22, 2017.
12.Bingkai Zhang, Yingju Yang, Xiaoyi Chen, Jing Liu*. Mercury oxidation of CeO2-WO3/TiO2 catalysts in coal-fired flue gas. The China National Symposium on Combustion 2014, Xian, China, October 31– November 3, 2014.
13.YingJu Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Feng Liu. Heterogeneous oxidation of mercury by HCl over Fe2O3 within fly ash: Experimental, DFT and kinetic modeling studies. The Thirty-Sixth International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea, July 31–August 5, 2016. Poster.
14.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Lipeng Zhao, Zhen Zhang. Kinetic study of heterogeneous mercury oxidation on fly ash surface in coal-fired flue gas. 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Jeju, Korea, June 14–19, 2015. Poster.
15.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Sen Miao. Experimental and kinetic studies of mercury catalytic oxidation over CuxFe3-xO4 spinel catalyst. The 18th Chinese National Congress on Catalysis, Tianjing, China, October 16–20, 2017. Poster.
16.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Junyan Ding. Experimental and theoretical studies of mercury removal by regenerable sorbents in coal-fired flue gas. The Air & Waste Management Association’s 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Connecticut, USA, June 25–28, 2018.
17.Yingju Yang, Jing Liu*, Zhen Wang, Junyan Ding. Evolution mechanism of SOx formation from FeS2 oxidation during coal combustion. The Chinese Chemical Society’s 31th Annual Conference, Hangzhou, China, may 5–8, 2018.
18.18. Feng Liu, Jing Liu*, Jinxin Dai, Yingju Yang, Minjun Wang. Periodic density functional study of the interaction mechanism of CO with spinel-type MnFe2O4 surface in chemical-looping combustion. 4th International Conference on Chemical Looping, Nanjing, China, September 26–28, 2016.
19.Zhen Wang, Bingkai Zhang, Jing Liu*, Yingju Yang, Chuguang Zheng. The influencing mechanism of H2O and SO2 on elemental mercury adsorption on MnO2 surface. The China National Symposium on Combustion 2015, Beijing, China, October 23–25, 2014.
20.Sen Miao, Jing Liu*, Yingju Yang, Zhen Wang, Fenghua Shen. Experimental study on mercury removal by regenerable and natural iron ore sorbent. The China National Symposium on Combustion 2017, Nanjing, China, October 13–15, 2014.
4. Awards:
2018, China Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Support Program
2020, Outstanding Sino-foreign Youth Exchange Program of China Association for Science and Technology
2020, Excellent paper award of China National Symposium on Combustion
2018, Outstanding Contribution Award of Environmental Pollution
2020, Outstanding member of Communist Party
2020, COVID-19 Contribution Award of HUST
2017, Excellence Award of Huazhong University of Science and Technology innovation and Entrepreneurship Project
2017, National Scholarship
5. Courses Taught
Fundamentals of Combustion Processes
Combustion Chemistry
Carbon Dioxide Recovery and Utilization
6. Project
1.National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents:BX20180108, Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of Mercury Oxidation in Coal-Fired Power Plants, 2018/07-2020/07
2.National Natural Science Youth Science Foundation of China: 52006083, Studies on reaction mechanisms and kinetics of NOx/Hg0/VOCs simultaneous removal by Mn-based spinels in coal-fired flue gas, 2021/01-2023/12
3.China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: 2018M640697, Homogeneous-heterogeneous mercury oxidation kinetics coupling catalytic reaction and mass transfer in coal-fired flue gas, 2019/01-2020/12
4.Outstanding Sino-foreign Youth Exchange Program of China Association for Science and Technology: Thermal/electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide, 2021/01-2021/12
5.Postdoctoral Science and Technology Project of Hubei Province: Kinetic study of mercury transformation in coal-fired flue gas (G63), 2019/01-2020/12
6.Innovation and Entrepreneurship Foundation of HUST: Design and Development of regenerable and recyclable Sorbents for Mercury Removal in coal-fired flue gas, 2017/01-2017/12