1. 中文

Li Xiaobo

Time:December 22, 2021 Editor:Tang Shiqing Source:



Associate professor

Email: xbli35@hust.edu.cn

Academic areas: heat transfer

Research interests: thermal energy storage


Academic Degrees

Ph.D., 2012, University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder), U.S.A.

Master, 2007, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China

Bachelor, 2004, The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China.


Professional Experience

Associate Professor (2014-present); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;

Postdoctoral Associate (2012-2014); Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Selected Publications

·    Yanfei Xu, Daniel Kraemer, Bai Song, Zhang Jiang, Jiawei Zhou, James Loomis, Jianjian Wang, Mingda Li, Hadi Ghasemi, Xiaopeng Huang, Xiaobo Li, Gang Chen, Nanostructured Polymer Films with Metal-like Thermal Conductivity, 2019, Nature Communications

·     Xuhui Duan, Zehuan Li, Jun Liu, Gang Chen,Xiaobo Li, Roles of Kink on the Thermal Transport in Single Polyethylene Chains, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019

·     Subramanyan, H., Zhang, W., He, J., Kim, K., Li, X., and Liu, J., 2019, "Role of angular bending freedom in regulating thermal transport in polymers," J Appl Phys, 125(9), p. 095104.

·     Jiang, P., Qian, X., Li, X., and Yang, R., 2018, "Three-dimensional anisotropic thermal conductivity tensor of single crystalline β-Ga2O3," Appl Phys Lett, 113(23), p. 232105.

·     Thermal conductivity of cross-linked polyethylene from molecular dynamics simulationX Xiong, M Yang, C Liu, X Li, D TangJournal of Applied Physics 122 (3), 0351042017

·      Xiaokun Gu, Xiaobo Li, and Ronggui Yang, Phonon transmission across Mg2Si/Mg2Si1−xSnx interfaces: A first-principles-based atomistic Green's function study, Phys. Rev. B 91, 205313 (2015)

·     Xiaobo Li and Ronggui Yang, Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations for the thermal conductivity of Si/Ge nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 104306 (2013).

·     Xiaobo Li and Ronggui Yang, Phonon Transmission across Lattice-Mismatched Dissimilar Material Interfaces, Phys. Rev. B 86, 054305 (2012).

·     Xiaobo Li and Ronggui Yang, Size-Dependent Phonon Transmission across Dissimilar Material Interfaces, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 155302 (2012).

·     Xiaobo Li, Kurt Maute, Martin L. Dunn, and Ronggui Yang, Strain Effects on the Thermal Conductivity of Nanostructures, Phys. Rev. B 81, 245318 (2010).



·    2010 Travel Grant for the International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-14), Washington, D.C.

·    2010 Graduate Student of the Month Award for September, the University of Colorado at Boulder


Courses Taught

Heat transfer

Advanced heat transfer



National Natural Science Foundation of China51776080 Fundamental studies and control of phonon spectrum thermal transport across nano-structures in solids with ultra-low thermal conductivity, 2018/01—2022/12

Next:Lin Yixin