Associate professor
Email: xbli35@hust.edu.cn
Academic areas: heat transfer
Research interests: thermal energy storage
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., 2012, University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder), U.S.A.
Master, 2007, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
Bachelor, 2004, The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (2014-present); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Postdoctoral Associate (2012-2014); Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Selected Publications
· Yanfei Xu, Daniel Kraemer, Bai Song, Zhang Jiang, Jiawei Zhou, James Loomis, Jianjian Wang, Mingda Li, Hadi Ghasemi, Xiaopeng Huang, Xiaobo Li, Gang Chen, Nanostructured Polymer Films with Metal-like Thermal Conductivity, 2019, Nature Communications
· Xuhui Duan, Zehuan Li, Jun Liu, Gang Chen,Xiaobo Li, Roles of Kink on the Thermal Transport in Single Polyethylene Chains, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019
· Subramanyan, H., Zhang, W., He, J., Kim, K., Li, X., and Liu, J., 2019, "Role of angular bending freedom in regulating thermal transport in polymers," J Appl Phys, 125(9), p. 095104.
· Jiang, P., Qian, X., Li, X., and Yang, R., 2018, "Three-dimensional anisotropic thermal conductivity tensor of single crystalline β-Ga2O3," Appl Phys Lett, 113(23), p. 232105.
· Thermal conductivity of cross-linked polyethylene from molecular dynamics simulation,X Xiong, M Yang, C Liu, X Li, D Tang,Journal of Applied Physics 122 (3), 035104,2017
· Xiaokun Gu, Xiaobo Li, and Ronggui Yang, Phonon transmission across Mg2Si/Mg2Si1−xSnx interfaces: A first-principles-based atomistic Green's function study, Phys. Rev. B 91, 205313 (2015)
· Xiaobo Li and Ronggui Yang, Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations for the thermal conductivity of Si/Ge nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 104306 (2013).
· Xiaobo Li and Ronggui Yang, Phonon Transmission across Lattice-Mismatched Dissimilar Material Interfaces, Phys. Rev. B 86, 054305 (2012).
· Xiaobo Li and Ronggui Yang, Size-Dependent Phonon Transmission across Dissimilar Material Interfaces, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 155302 (2012).
· Xiaobo Li, Kurt Maute, Martin L. Dunn, and Ronggui Yang, Strain Effects on the Thermal Conductivity of Nanostructures, Phys. Rev. B 81, 245318 (2010).
· 2010 Travel Grant for the International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-14), Washington, D.C.
· 2010 Graduate Student of the Month Award for September, the University of Colorado at Boulder
Courses Taught
Heat transfer
Advanced heat transfer
National Natural Science Foundation of China:51776080, Fundamental studies and control of phonon spectrum thermal transport across nano-structures in solids with ultra-low thermal conductivity, 2018/01—2022/12