1. 中文

Xu Dongwei

Time:December 22, 2021 Editor:Tang Shiqing Source:



Associate Professor

E-mail: dwxu@hust.edu.cn

Academic Area: Micro and nano scale heat transfer

Research interests: Thermal transport in low - dimensional materials, thermal management in energy storage materials


Academic Degrees

PhD, 2012, Condensed Matter Physics, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, USA;

Master, 2007, Condensed Matter Physics, Lanzhou University, Gansu, China.

Bachelor, 2005, Material Physics, Lanzhou University, Gansu, China.


Professional Experience

Associate Professor (Nov. 2017 - present), School of Energy and Power engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Postdoctoral Appointee (Feb. 2015. - Nov. 2017), Material Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Lecturer (Feb. 2014 - Dec. 2014); Department of Physical Science, Moraine Valley Community College, USA

Part-time Temporary Faculty(Aug. 2013–Dec. 2013), Department of Physics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA

Research Staff (Sep. 2012–June 2013), Department of Physics, Michigan Technological University, USA

Selected Publications

1. Xueru Cai, Guoqing Sun,Yaxin Xu,Jinlong Ma, Dongwei Xu*, Effect of hydrogenation on thermal conductivity of 2D Gallium Nitride, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23:22423-22429, 2021.

2. Xueru Cai, Yiming Ma, Jinlong Ma, Dongwei Xu* and Xiaobing Luo, Structure and electronic bandgap tunability of m-plane GaN multilayers, Physical chemistry chemical physics, 23:5431-5437, 2021.

3. Xueru Cai#, Yangyang Ren#, Menghao Wu, Dongwei Xu* and Xiaobing Luo, Strain-induced phase transition and giant piezoelectricity in monolayer tellurene, Nanoscale, 12:167-172, 2020.

4. Dongwei Xu, E. Mitchell Hoppera, Kee-Chul Changa, Peter M. Baldoa, Haesun Parka, Jeffrey A. Eastmana, Hoydoo Youa, Paul H. Fuossa, Brian J. Ingram and Peter Zapol, The effect of water vapor on surface oxygen exchange kinetics of thin film (La,Sr)(Co,Fe)O3-δ,  Journal of Power Sources, 451:227478, 2020

5. G. Ju, D. Xu, M. J. Highland, C. Thompson, H. Zhou, J. A. Eastman, P. H. Fuoss, P. Zapol, H. Kim and G. B. Stephenson, Coherent X-ray spectroscopy reveals the persistence of island arrangements during layer-by-layer growth, Nature Physics, 15: 589–594, 2019



2003 Chun-Tsung scholar


Courses Taught

Fundamental of Thermal Engineering

Engineering Thermodynamics



National Natural Science Foundation of China51806072, Study on the structure and thermal transport properties of two-dimensional GaN with non-polar planes, 2018/01—2021/12

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