Associate professor
Email: shanshc@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests: Energy saving techniques in buildings; Fuel cell; Thermal and humidity control
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2013, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, United States;
Master, 2010, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, United States;
Bachelor, 2007, School of Environment Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (2017-present); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Lecturer (2014-2017); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Selected Publications
· Cai, S.*, Xia, L., Xu, H., Li, X., Liu, Z., Cremaschi, L. Effect of Internal Structure on Dynamically Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer in Closed-Cell Thermal Insulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022.
· Zhou, X., Cai, S.*, Luo, X., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Li, S., Chang, H. Electro-osmotic Regeneration and its Behavior in a Dehumidification Application. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022;202:117861
· Cai, S., Zou, Y., Luo, X., Tu, Z. Investigations of a Novel Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell-Driven Combined Cooling and Power System in Data Center Applications. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021;250:114906.
· Zhao J., Cai S.*, Huang X., Luo X., Tu Z. 4E Analysis and Multiobjective Optimization of a PEMFC-Based CCHP System with Dehumidification. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021;248:114789.
· He, L.; Zhao, S.; Xu, G.;Wu, X.; Xie, J.; Cai, S.* Prediction and Evaluation of Dynamic Variations of the Thermal Environment in an Air-Conditioned Room Using Collaborative Simulation Method. Energies, 2021, 14, 5378.
· Cai, S.*, Guo, H., Zhang, B., Xu, G., Li, K., Xia, L. Multi-scale Simulation Study on the Hygrothermal Behavior of Closed-cell Thermal Insulation. Energy, 2020, 196, 117-142.
· Guo, H., Cai, S.*, Li, K., Liu, Z., Xia, L., Xiong, J. Simultaneous Test and Visual Identification of Heat and Moisture Transport in Several Types of Thermal Insulation. Energy, 2020, 197, 117-137.
· Cai, S.*, Li, X., Zhang, M., Fallon, J., Li, K. & Cui, T. An analytical full-scale model to predict thermal response in boreholes with groundwater advection. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 168.
· Cai, S.*, Huang, W., Luo, X., Li, X., Ji, J. Experimental Study on the Impact Factors of Electro-osmotic Flow in Dehumidification Applications. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 202.
· Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., Cui, T., Guo, H. & Huxford, J., Mesoscopic Study of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Dry and Moist Soil. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 98: 171-181.
· Guo, H., Cai, S.*, Wang, X., Fang, D., Li, K. Simultaneous Test of Heat and Moisture Transfer in Aerogel Blankets. 2019, 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2019.
· Cai, S.*, Luo, X., Zhou, X., Huang, W., Li, X., Ji, J. Experimental Study of Electro-osmotic Effect in Composite Dessicant. 2019, 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2019.
· Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., & Cremaschi, L. Moisture Behavior of Polystyrene Insulation in Below-grade Application. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 158, 24-38.
· Cui, T., Cai, S.*, Guo, H. & Huang, T., A Full-Scale Model to Predict Borehole Fluid Temperature with Groundwater Advection in a Building Application. Proceedings of International Ground Source Heat Pump Association Conference and Expo, September 18-20, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
· Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., Cui, T. & Guo, H., Impacts of Meso-Structure on the Thermal Conductivity of Moist Soil. Proceedings of International Ground Source Heat Pump Association Conference and Expo, September 18-20, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
· Huang, W., Zhou, X., Zhang, B., Tang, Y., Cai, S.*. Experimental Study on the Impact Factors of Electro-osmotic Dehumidification. The 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, June 10-13, 2018, Sapporo, JAPAN.
· Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., & Cremaschi, L. Review of Moisture Behavior and Thermal Performance of Polystyrene Insulation in Building Applications. Building and Environment, 2017, 123, 50-65.
· Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., & Cremaschi, L. Study of the Meso-structure and its Impact on the Thermal Performance of Closed-Cell Insulation with Moisture Ingress. Procedia Engineering, 2017, v 205, p 2823-2830.
· Cai, S.*, Cui, T., Zheng, B., & Hu, P., A Fractal Approach to Calculate the Thermal Conductivity of Moist Soil. Proceedings of the IGSHPA Technical/Research Conference and Expo, Denver, U.S., 2017, March 14-16.
· Cai. S.*, Zhu, W., & Cremaschi, L., Experimental Study on the Thermal Conductivity and Moisture Ingress in Closed-Cell Mechanical Pipe Insulation Systems at Below Ambient Conditions (ASHRAE RP-1646). Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2016, 22(2), 201-213.
· Zhang, X., Chang, J., Cai, S. and Hu, J. A Multi-stage Travelling Wave Thermoacoustic Engine Driven Refrigerator and Operation Features for Utilizing Low Grade Energy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 114:224-233.
· Zhu, W., Cai, S.*, & Cremaschi, L., Thermal Performance and Moisture Accumulation of Fibrous Mechanical Pipe Insulation Systems Operating at Below Ambient Temperature in Wet Conditions with Moisture Ingress. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2015, 21(6), 862-875.
· Cai, S.*, Cremaschi, L., Ghajar, A., Pipe Insulation Thermal Conductivity under Dry and Wet Condensing Conditions with Moisture Ingress: A Critical Review. HVAC&R Research, 2014, 20(4), 458-479.
· Cai, S.*, Cremaschi, L., An Experimentally Validated Model to Predict the Thermal Conductivity of Closed-Cell Pipe Insulation Systems with Moisture Ingress. Proceedings of ASHRAE 2014 winter conference, New York, U.S., 2014, Jan 22-24.
· Zhu, W., Cai, S., Cremaschi, L., Thermal Performance and Moisture Accumulation of Mechanical Pipe Insulation Systems Operating at Below Ambient Temperature in Wet Conditions with Moisture Ingress. Proceedings of the 3rd International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, Purdue, U.S., 2014, July 21-24.
· Cremaschi, L., Cai, S., Worthington, K., & Ghajar, A., Measurement of Pipe Insulation Thermal Conductivity at Below Ambient Temperatures Part I: Experimental Methodology and Dry Tests (ASHRAE RP-1356). ASHRAE Transactions, 2012, 118(1), Paper No CH-12-030 ‘Awarded Best Poster Presentation Award at ASHRAE conferences in 2012’.
· Cai, S.*, Cremaschi, L., Ghajar, A., Moisture Accumulation and its Impact on the Thermal Performance of Pipe Insulation for Chilled Water Pipes in High Performance Buildings. Proceedings of the 2nd International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, Purdue, U.S., 2012, July 21-24.
2021 Teaching Quality Award of of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Second Prize)
2021 The 6th National Innovation Competition of Experimental Instruments and Equipment (Third Prize)
2021 The 12th Experimental Technology Research Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Second Prize)
2018 The 11th Experimental Technology Research Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Second Prize)
2018 Excellent Instructor of College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2017 My Favorite Teacher Award in Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2016 Teaching competition of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (First Prize)
2015 Teaching competition of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Second Prize)
2012 Best Poster Presentation Award at ASHRAE conferences
Courses Taught
Engineering Heat Transfer (English)
Professional Experiment (Refrigeration and Cryogenics)
Cognitive practice (Refrigeration and Cryogenics)
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China: A meso-structure based study on the heat and moisture transfer in organic thermal insulation and the performance analysis.
2. Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province: Study on operation mechanism of ground source heat pump air conditioning system based on Electro osmotic dehumidification.
3. State Key Laboratory Project: Prediction and evaluation of room thermal comfort in unsteady thermal environment based on data-driven method.
4. International Joint Project: Critical literature review of polystyrene rigid foam insulation water absorption.