Tel(Office): (+86)27-87542417
Email: jashao@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: New Energy;Research Interests: Biomass utilization, Bio-based new energy and material, CO2 Conversion, Pollutants control
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2008, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
Bachelor, 2002, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (2013-present); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Post-doc (2009-2010); Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech.), Blacksburg, VA, USA;
Research Assistant (2006 - 2008); Institute of Environmental and Science Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
Selected Publications
1.Danchen Zhu, Jingai Shao*, Ziqing Li, Haiping Yang, Shihong Zhang, and Hanping Chen, Nano nickel embedded in N-doped CNTs-supported porous biochar for adsorption-reduction of hexavalent chromium. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021. 416: p. 125693.
2.Wei Cheng, Youjian Zhu*, Jingai Shao*, Wennan Zhang, Guihao Wu, Hao Jiang, Junhao Hu, Zhen Huang, Haiping Yang, and Hanping Chen, Mitigation of ultrafine particulate matter emission from agricultural biomass pellet combustion by the additive of phosphoric acid modified kaolin. Renewable Energy, 2021. 172: p. 177-187.
3.Xiong Zhang, Huanhuan Zheng, Guangyang Li, Jinyang Gu, Jingai Shao*, Shihong Zhang, Haiping Yang, and Hanping Chen, Ammoniated and activated microporous biochar for enhancement of SO2 adsorption. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021. 156: p. 105119.
4.Junjie Zhang; Jingai Shao*; Qianzheng Jin; Xiong Zhang; Haiping Yang; Yingquan Chen; Shihong Zhang; Hanping Chen, Effect of deashing on activation process and lead adsorption capacities of sludge-based biochar. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 716, 137016.
5.Jingai Shao, Chenxi Jia, Xu Chen*, Jun Luo, Yingquan Chen, Haiping Yang, Hanping Chen,Enhancing the Production of Light Olefins from Wheat Straw with Modified HZSM-5 Catalytic Pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels, 2019. 33(11): 11263-11273
6.Jingai Shao; Wei Cheng; Youjian Zhu; Wei Yang; Jiyuan Fan; Heng Liu; Haiping Yang; Hanping Chen, Effects of Combined Torrefaction and Pelletization on Particulate Matter Emission from Biomass Pellet Combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2019. 33(9): 8777-8785.
7.Mingfa Yang; Jingai Shao*; Haiping Yang; Yingquan Chen; Xiaowei Bai; Shihong Zhang; Hanping Chen, Catalytic pyrolysis of hemicellulose for the production of light olefins and aromatics over Fe modified ZSM-5 catalysts. Cellulose, 2019. 26(15): 8489-8500.
8.Mingfa Yang; Jingai Shao*; Zixu Yang; Haiping Yang; Xianhua Wang; Zhengshun Wu; Hanping Chen, Conversion of lignin into light olefins and aromatics over Fe/ZSM-5 catalytic fast pyrolysis: Significance of Fe contents and temperature. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2019. 137: 259-265.
9.Mingfa Yang; Jingai Shao*; Haiping Yang; Kuo Zeng; Zhengshun Wu; Yingquan Chen; Xiaowei Bai; Hanping Chen, Enhancing the production of light olefins and aromatics from catalytic fast pyrolysis of cellulose in a dual-catalyst fixed bed reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2019. 273: 77-85.
10.Junjie Zhang; Jingai Shao*; Qianzheng Jin; Ziqing Li; Xiong Zhang; Yingquan Chen; Shihong Zhang; Hanping Chen, Sludge-based biochar activation to enhance Pb(II) adsorption. Fuel, 2019. 252: 101-108.
11. Fang Zhang; Haiping Yang; Dabin Guo; Shihong Zhang; Hanping Chen; Jing'ai Shao*, Effects of biomass pyrolysis derived wood vinegar (WVG) on extracellular polymeric substances and performances of activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 2019. 274: 25-32.
12. Fang Zhang; Jingai Shao*; Haiping Yang; Dabin Guo; Zhihua Chen; Shihong Zhang; Hanping Chen, Effects of biomass pyrolysis derived wood vinegar on microbial activity and communities of activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 2019. 279: 252-261.
13. Jingai Shao; Junjie Zhang; Xiong Zhang; Ye Feng; Han Zhang; Shihong Zhang; Hanping Chen, Enhance SO2 adsorption performance of biochar modified by CO2 activation and amine impregnation. Fuel, 2018. 224: 138-146.
14. Shihong Zhang; Han Zhang; Jian Cai; Xiong Zhang; Junjie Zhang; Jingai Shao*, Evaluation and Prediction of Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Solution by Phosphate-Modified Activated Bamboo Biochar. Energy & Fuels, 2018. 32(4): 4469-4477.
15. Shihong Zhang; Mingfa Yang; Jingai Shao*; Haiping Yang; Kuo Zeng; Yingquan Chen; Jun Luo; Foster A. Agblevor; Hanping Chen, The conversion of biomass to light olefins on Fe-modified ZSM-5 catalyst: Effect of pyrolysis parameters. Science of The Total Environment, 2018. 628–629: 350-357.
16. Junhao Hu; Yaohui Si; Haiping Yang; Jingai Shao*; Xianhua Wang; Tingzhou Lei; Foster A. Agblevor; Hanping Chen, Influence of volatiles-char interactions between coal and biomass on the volatiles released, resulting char structure and reactivity during co-pyrolysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017. 152: 229-238.
17. Xiong Zhang; Shihong Zhang; Haiping Yang*; Jingai Shao*; Yingquan Chen; Xinjie Liao; Xianhua Wang; Hanping Chen, Generalized two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy to reveal mechanisms of CO2 capture in nitrogen enriched biochar. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017. 36(3): 3933-3940.
18. Pan Li; Xu Chen; Xianhua Wang; Jingai Shao*; Guiying Lin; Haiping Yang; Qing Yang; Hanping Chen, Catalytic Upgrading of Fast Pyrolysis Products with Fe-, Zr-, and Co-Modified Zeolites Based on Pyrolyzer-GC/MS Analysis. Energy & Fuels, 2017. 31(4): 3979-3986.
2019-2020 Excellent Head Teacher in Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2018 Excellent Teaching Quality Second Awards in Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2018 Teacher Teaching Competition Second Awards in Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2018 High Education Teaching Achievement of Hubei Province, Second Award
2014 BlueSky Award - Global Top Ten Investment Scenarios To Apply New Technologies For Renewable Energy Utilization
Courses Taught
Principles and Utilization of Biomass Energy
Specialized English for Energy and Power Engineering
New Energy Materials
Engineering Ethics
Research Projects
1)National Natural Science Foundation of China:51876077, Mechanism research on the formation of furans from microwave assisted catalytic pyrolysis of biomass, 2019.1-2022.12
2)National Natural Science Foundation of China:51506071, Mechanism research on the formation of light olefins from biomass in-situ calcium pyrolysis and on-line Fe-ZSM catalization, 2016.1-2018.12
3)National Key Research and Development Program of China: 2018YFC1902602, Efficient pyrolysis of waste tires and comprehensive utilization of by-products, 2018.12 - 2022.11