Associate Professor
Email: songli@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: New Energy Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Adsorption cooling and desalination, Hydrogen energy storage and production, Fuel cells
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2014, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA;
Master, 2009, School of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea
Bachelor, 2006, School of Life Science, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (2015-present); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Postdoctoral Researcher (2014-2015); Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA.
Selected Publications
· 1.Guoliang An,# Xiaoxiao Xia,# Shaofei Wu, Zhilu Liu, Liwei Wang* and Song Li*, Metal-organic frameworks for ammonia-based thermal energy storage, Small, 2021,2102689.
· 2.Wei Li#, Zhilu Liu#, Song Li*, The optimal steps for adsorption heat pumps”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2021,25:101033.
· 3.Zhilu Liu#, Guoliang An#, Xiaoxiao Xia,Shaofei Wu, Song Li,* Liwei Wang* The Potential Use of Metal-organic Framework/Ammonia Working Pairs for Adsorption Chillers, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9:6188 - 6195 (Hot Paper).
· 4.Ruihuan Cheng,# Wei Li,# Wei Wei and Song Li*, Molecular insights into the Correlation between Microstructure of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks and Thermal Conductivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021,13(12):14141-14149.
· 5.Zhilu Liu, Wei Li, Peyman Z. Moghadam, Song Li*, Screening Adsorbent-Water Adsorption Heat Pumps Based on An Experimental Water Adsorption Isotherm Database, Sustainable Energy & Fuels ,2021, 5:1075-1084.
· 6.Wen Ren#, Xudong Zhuang#, Zhilu Liu, Song Li*, Hydrogen Adsorption Performance of Cu-BTC/Graphene Aerogel Composite: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021,46(24):13097-13105.
· 7.Shuaihao Wang#, Xiaoxiao Xia#, Song Li*, “Cooling Performance of Metal Organic Framework-Water Pairs in Cascaded Adsorption Chillers”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021,189:116707.
· 8.Rui Long, Xiaoxiao Xia, Yanan Zhao, Song Li*, Zhichun Liu*, Wei Liu, “Screening metal-organic frameworks for adsorption-driven osmotic heat engines via grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations and machine learning”,iScience, 2021,24(1):101914.
· 9.Jun Huang, Aoran Fan, Xiaoxiao Xia, Song Li* and Xing Zhang*, “In Situ Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Single-Crystal Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 by Raman-Resistance Temperature Detectors Method”, ACS Nano, 2020, 14(10): 14100–14107.
· 10.Wen Ren, Zhenzhen Wei, Xiaoxiao Xiao, Zhiwei Hong, Song Li,* “CO2 Adsorption Performance of CuBTC/Graphene Aerogel Composites”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2020,22:191.
· 11.Xiaoxiao Xia, Zhilu Liu, Song Li,* “Adsorption Characteristics and Cooling/Heating Performance of COF-5”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 176:115442.
· 12.Wei Li, Xia Xiaoxiao, Song Li,* “Screening of Covalent-Organic Frameworks for Adsorption Heat Pumps”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020,12(2): 3265-3273.
· 13.Wei Wei, Jun Huang, Wei Li, Haiyang Peng,* Song Li,* “Impacts of Ethanol and Water Adsorptions on Thermal Conductivity of ZIF-8”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019,123(45): 27369-27374.
· 14.Wei Li,# Xiaoxiao Xia,# Song Li*, “Large-scale Evaluation of Cascaded Adsorption Heat Pumps Based on Metal/Covalent-Organic Frameworks”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019,7:25010-25019.(Editor’s Choice: Machine Learning for Materials Innovation)
· 15.Xiaoxiao Xia, Guoqing Hu, Wei Li, Song Li*, “Understanding Reduced CO2 Uptake in Ionic Liquid/Metal-Organic Framework Composites”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019,2(9):6022-6029.
· 16.Mingbing Wu, Wei Wei, Xiaowei Liu, Kang Liu, Song Li*, “Structure and Dynamic Properties of Stretched Water in Graphene Nanochannels by Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Effects of Stretching Extent”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019,21:19163-19171.
· 17.Guoqing Hu, Wei Li, Song Li*, “Effects of functionalization on the performance of metal-organic frameworks for adsorption-driven heat pumps by molecular simulations”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 208: 115143.
· 18.Wei Li, Xiaoxiao Xia, Meng Cao, Song Li,* “Structure–property relationship of metal–organic frameworks for alcohol-based adsorption-driven heat pumps via high-throughput computational screening”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019,7:7470-7479. (Journal of Materials Chemistry A top 5% most-read Q1)
· 19.Jun Huang, Xiaoxiao Xia, Xuejiao Hu,* Song Li,* Kang Liu,* “A General Method for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of MOF Crystals”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138:11-16.
· 20.Xiaoxiao Xia,# Meng Cao,# Zhilu Liu, Wei Li, Song Li,* “Elucidation of Adsorption Cooling Characteristics of Zr-MOFs: Effects of Structure Property and Working Fluids”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 204:48-58.
· 21.Wei Li, Song Li,* “CO2 Adsorption Performance of Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks of Varying Topologies by Molecular Simulations”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 189: 65-74.
· 22.Lei Bian,# Wei Li,# Zhenzhen Wei, Xiaowei Liu, Song Li,* “Formaldehyde Adsorption Performance of Selected Metal-Organic Frameworks from High-throughput Computational Screening”, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2018, 76(4):303-310. (Cover Paper)
· 23.Song Li, Yongchul G. Chung, Cory Simon, Randall Snurr, “High-throughput Computational Screening of Multivariate Metal-Organic Frameworks (MTV-MOFs) for CO2 Capture”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8: 6135-6141.
· 24.Song Li, Yongchul. G. Chung, Randall Snurr, “High-throughput Screening of Metal-organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture in the presence of water”, Langmuir, 2016,32(40):10368-10376.
· 25.Peihua Yang,# Kang Liu,# Song Li,# Jia Li, Tianpeng Ding, Qian Chen, Guang Feng and Jun Zhou, “Induced Potential in Porous Carbon Film Through Water Vapor Adsorption”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2016, 55:8003-8007.
· 26.Song Li, Mengyang Zhu, Guang Feng, “The Effects of Dication Symmetry on Ionic Liquids Electrolytes in Supercapacitors” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016, 28:464005.
· 27.Pravas Deria,# Song Li,# Hongda Zhang, Randall Snurr, Omar K. Farha, Joseph T. Hupp, “A MOF Platform for Incorporation of Complementary Organic Motifs for CO2 Binding”, Chemical Communication. 2015, 51: 12478-12481.
· 28.Song Li, Wei Zhao, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “A Computational Study of Dicationic Ionic Liquids/CO2 Interfaces”, Langmuir, 2015, 31(8):2447-2454.
· 29.Song Li, José Leobardo Bañuelos, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “Toward Understanding the Structural Heterogeneity and Ion Pair Stability in Dicationic Ionic Liquids”, Soft Matter. 2014, 10: 9193-9200.
· 30.Song Li, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “Interfaces of Dicationic Ionic Liquids and Graphene: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014,26:284106.
· 31.Song Li, Pengfei Zhang, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Guang Feng, Sheng Dai, Peter T. Cummings, “Enhanced Performance of Dicationic Ionic Liquid Electrolytes by Organic Solvent”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014, 26:284105. (IOPselect Paper, highlighted by Labtalk: http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984/labtalk-article/58014)
· 32.Song Li, Katherine L. Van Aken, John K. McDonough, Guang Feng, Yury Gogotsi, Peter T. Cummings, “The Electrical Double Layer Structure of Dicationic Ionic Liquids at Onion-Like Carbon Surface”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014,118 (8):3901–3909.
· 33.Song Li, Guang Feng, José Leobardo Bañuelos, Gernot Rother, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Sheng Dai, Peter T. Cummings, “Distinctive Nanoscale Organization of Dicationic versus Monocationic Ionic Liquids”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117(35):18251-18257.
· 34.Song Li, Kee Sung Han, Guang Feng, Edwards W. Hagaman, Lukas Vlcek, Peter T. Cummings, “Dynamic and Structural Properties of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids near Silica and Carbon Surfaces”, Langmuir, 2013, 29(31): 9744-9749.
· 35.Song Li, Xiongce Zhao, Yiming Mo, Peter T. Cummings, William T. Heller, “Human serum albumin interactions with C60 fullerene studied by spectroscopy, small-angle neutron scattering, and molecular dynamics simulations”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15(7):1769.
· 36.Song Li, Guang Feng, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Patrick C. Hillesheim, Chen Liao, Sheng Dai, Peter T. Cummings, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Capacitive Performance of a Binary Mixture of Ionic Liquids near an Onion-like Carbon Electrode”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012, 3(17): 2465-2469. (Invited video presentation as a top 5% article for Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters: http://pubs.acs.org/iapps/liveslides/pages/index.htm?mscNo=jz3009387)
· 37.Song Li, José Leobardo Bañuelos, Jianchang Guo, Larry M. Anovitz, Gernot Rother, Robert. W. Shaw, Patrick. C. Hillesheim, Sheng Dai, Gary. A. Baker, and Peter T. Cummings, “Alkyl Chain Length and Temperature Effects on Structural Properties of Pyrrolidinium-Based Ionic Liquids: A Combined Atomistic Simulation and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012, 3(1):125−130.
2019 Huazhong Scholar of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2017 New Academic Researcher Award of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2016 Li Heritage Foundation Prize
2015 Hubei Province “Chutian Scholar”
2014 Distinguished Record of Graduate Research Award by Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vanderbilt University
2013 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad
Courses Taught
Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells
Energy Storage and Utilization
Introduction to Renewable Energy
English in Thermal Engineering
1. National key research and development program:2020YFB1506300,hydrogen production by alcohol reforming and fuel cell system with integrated cooling-heating-electricity supply, 2020.11-2023.10.
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China:51606081, Research on carbon capture performance of metal-organic framework/ionic liquids (MOF/IL) composite, 2017/01—2019/12.
3. Shenzhen Basic Research Program: JCYJ20190809101403595, Room-temperature hydrogen storage performance of metal-organic framework composite. 2020/1-2022/12.