Email: huqiang2008@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Thermal Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering
Research Interests: Green hydrogen production, Thermochemical conversion of biomass, Hydrogen and carbon material co-production from carbon contained fuel
Academic Degrees
Joint PhD, 2016-2017, University of British Columbia, Canada.
PhD, 2018, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Bachelor, 2012, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
Lecturer (2022-present), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Postdoc, 2018-2021, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Selected Publications
·1. Qiang Hu, Yong Sik Ok, and Chi-Hwa Wang*. Sustainable and Highly Efficient Recycling of Plastic Waste into Syngas via a Chemical Looping Scheme. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022. 56, 12, 8953–8963.
·2. Qiang Hu, Ye Shen, Jia Wei Chew, Tianshu Ge, Chi-Hwa Wang*. Chemical looping gasification of biomass with Fe2O3/CaO as the oxygen carrier for hydrogen-enriched syngas production. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020. 379: 122346. (ESI highly cited paper)
·3. Dingding Yao, Haiping Yang, Qiang Hu *, Yingquan Chen, Hanping Chen, Paul T Williams*. Carbon nanotubes from post-consumer waste plastics: Investigations into catalyst metal and support material characteristics. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2021, 280: 119413. (ESI highly cited paper)
·4. Qiang Hu, Janelle Jung, Dexiang Chen, Ken Leong, Shuang Song, Fanghua Li, Babu Cadiam Mohan, Zhiyi Yao, Arun Kumar Prabhakar, Xuan Hao Lin, Ee Yang Lim, Le Zhang, Gupta Souradeep, Yong Sik Ok, Harn Wei Kua, Sam FY Li, Hugh TW Tan, Yanjun Dai, Yen Wah Tong, Yinghong Peng, Stephen Joseph, Chi-Hwa Wang*. Biochar industry to circular economy. Science of the Total Environment, 2021. 757: 143820. (ESI highly cited paper)
·5. Qiang Hu, Dingding Yao, Yingpu Xie, Youjian Zhu, Haiping Yang*, Yingquan Chen, Hanping Chen. Study on intrinsic reaction behavior and kinetics during reduction of iron ore pellets by utilization of biochar. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 158: 1-8.
·6. Qiang Hu, Wei Cheng, Qiaoting Mao, Junhao Hu, Haiping Yang*, Hanping Chen. Study on the physicochemical structure and gasification reactivity of chars from pyrolysis of biomass pellets under different heating rates. Fuel, 2022. 314: 122789.
·7. Qiang Hu, Wang Chi-Hwa*. Insight into the Fe2O3/CaO-based chemical looping process for biomass conversion. Bioresource Technology, 2020. 310: 123384.
·8. Qiang Hu, Dai Yanjun, Wang Chi-Hwa*. Steam co-gasification of horticultural waste and sewage sludge: Product distribution, synergistic analysis and optimization. Bioresource Technology, 2020. 301: 122780.
·9. Qiang Hu, Qiaoting Mao, Xixi Ren, Haiping Yang*, Hanping Chen. Inert chemical looping conversion of biochar with iron ore as oxygen carrier: Products conversion kinetics and structural evolution. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 275: 53-60.
·10. Hu Qiang, Xiaotao Bi, Chen Hanping, et al. Experimental and modeling study of potassium catalyzed gasification of woody char pellet with CO2. Energy, 2019, 171:678-688.
2023. Best oral presentation. The 2nd Chinese Chemical Looping Conference.
2015. Excellent Students Awards. Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
2014. Excellent Paper Award Second Prize. The 4th International Conference on Biomass Energy Technologies.
Courses Taught
Carbon neutral Science and Technology
English in New Energy Engineering
National Key Research and Development Project (Sub project):Exchanging and controlling of the lattice oxygen and gaseous oxygen, 2022/12—2027/11