Email: qyang@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests
Thermal-chemical conversion of biomass; Carbon footprint; Life cycle assessment; Energy policy; Energy, energetic and energy analysis for energy systems.
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2005, School of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China;
Bachelor, 2001, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
Professor (2019-present); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
Associate (2018-present); School of Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA;
Associate Professor (2013-2019); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
Visiting scholar (2015-2017); School of Engineering, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA;
Lecturer (2011-2013); School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Selected Publications
· 1. Yang, Q., Zhou, H., Bartocci, P., Fantozzi, F., et al., Prospective contributions of biomass pyrolysis to China’s 2050 carbon reduction and renewable energy goals. Nature Communications, 2021. 12(1): p. 1698.
· 2. Peng, Y., Yang, Q., Wang, L., Wang, S., et al., VOC emissions of coal-fired power plants in China based on life cycle assessment method. Fuel, 2021. 292: p. 120325.
· 3. Chen, Y., Ba, S., Yang, Q., Yuan, T., et al., Efficiency of China’s carbon market: A case study of Hubei pilot market. Energy, 2021. 222: p. 119946.
· 4. Kang, Y., Yang, Q., Bartocci, P., Wei, H., et al., Bioenergy in China: Evaluation of domestic biomass resources and the associated greenhouse gas mitigation potentials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020. 127: p. 109842.
· 5. Zhu, Y., Chen, M., Yang, Q., Alshwaikh, M.J.M., et al., Life cycle water consumption for oxyfuel combustion power generation with carbon capture and storage. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. 281: p. 124419.
· 6. Al Bkoor Alrawashdeh, K., Gul, E., Yang, Q., Haiping, Y., et al., Effect of Heavy Metals in the Performance of Anaerobic Digestion of Olive Mill Waste. Processes, 2020. 8.
· 7. Zhu, Y., Liang, J., Yang, Q., Zhou, H., et al., Water use of a biomass direct-combustion power generation system in China: A combination of life cycle assessment and water footprint analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019. 115: p. 109396.
· 8. Yang, Q., Huang, T., Wang, S., Li, J., et al., A GIS-based high spatial resolution assessment of large-scale PV generation potential in China. Applied Energy, 2019. 247: p. 254-269.
· 9. Wei, H., Liu, W., Chen, X., Yang, Q., et al., Renewable bio-jet fuel production for aviation: A review. Fuel, 2019. 254: p. 115599.
· 10. Zhou, H., Yang, Q., Shi, M., Li, J., et al., LCA analysis of anaerobic digestion plant fed with canteen food waste in a university in China. 2019.
· 11. Wang, S., Yang, Q., and Chen, B., The Synergetic Role of Solar PV in the Unit Commitment of Energy-water Nexus. DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences, 2019.
· 12. Yang, Q., Zhou, H., Zhang, X., Nielsen, C.P., et al., Hybrid life-cycle assessment for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of a typical biomass gasification power plant in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018. 205: p. 661-671.
· 13. Yang, Q., Liang, J., Li, J., Yang, H., et al., Life cycle water use of a biomass-based pyrolysis polygeneration system in China. Applied Energy, 2018. 224: p. 469-480.
· 14. Chen, X., Huang, J., Yang, Q., Nielsen, C.P., et al., Changing carbon content of Chinese coal and implications for emissions of CO2. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018. 194: p. 150-157.
· 15. Zeng, K., Yang, Q., Che, Q., Zhang, Y., et al., Effects of Temperature and Mg-Based Additives on Properties of Cotton Stalk Torrefaction Products. Energy & Fuels, 2018. 32(9): p. 9640-9649.
· 16. Zeng, K., Yang, Q., Zhang, Y., Mei, Y., et al., Influence of torrefaction with Mg-based additives on the pyrolysis of cotton stalk. Bioresource Technology, 2018. 261: p. 62-69.
· 17. Mei, Y., Yang, Q., Yang, H., Lin, G., et al., Low temperature deoxidization of biomass and its release characteristics of gas products. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018. 123: p. 142-153.
· 18. Chen, B., Yang, Q., Li, J.S., and Chen, G.Q., Decoupling analysis on energy consumption, embodied GHG emissions and economic growth — The case study of Macao. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017. 67: p. 662-672.
· 19. Wu, X.D., Yang, Q., Chen, G.Q., Hayat, T., et al., Progress and prospect of CCS in China: Using learning curve to assess the cost-viability of a 2×600MW retrofitted oxyfuel power plant as a case study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. 60: p. 1274-1285.
· 20. Yang, Q., Han, F., Chen, Y., Yang, H., et al., Greenhouse gas emissions of a biomass-based pyrolysis plant in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. 53: p. 1580-1590.
· 21. Yang, Q., Han, F., Chen, Y., Yang, H., et al., Greenhouse gas emissions of a biomass-based pyrolysis plant in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. 53: p. 1580-1590.
· 22. Wu, X.D., Yang, Q., Chen, G.Q., Hayat, T., et al., Progress and prospect of CCS in China: Using learning curve to assess the cost-viability of a 2×600MW retrofitted oxyfuel power plant as a case study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. 60: p. 1274-1285.
· 23. Li, J.S., Chen, G.Q., Chen, B., Yang, Q., et al., The impact of trade on fuel-related mercury emissions in Beijing—evidence from three-scale input-output analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017. 75: p. 742-752.
· 24. Yang, Q., Guo, S., Yuan, W.H., Shen, Q., et al., Energy-dominated carbon metabolism: A case study of Hubei province, China. Ecological Informatics, 2015. 26: p. 85-92.
· 25. Wu, X.F., Yang, Q., Xia, X.H., Wu, T.H., et al., Sustainability of a typical biogas system in China: Emergy-based ecological footprint assessment. Ecological Informatics, 2015. 26: p. 78-84.
· 26. Mei, Y., Liu, R., Yang, Q., Yang, H., et al., Torrefaction of cedarwood in a pilot scale rotary kiln and the influence of industrial flue gas. Bioresource Technology, 2015. 177: p. 355-360.
· 27. Wu, X.F., Chen, G.Q., Wu, X.D., Yang, Q., et al., Renewability and sustainability of biogas system: Cosmic exergy-based assessment for a case in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015. 51: p. 1509-1524.
· 28. Feng, L., Zhang, S.H., Yang, Q., Che, Q.F., et al., Study on microwave drying characteristics and kinetics of coking coal. 2015. 40: p. 2458-2464.
2019/2016 Huazhong Scholar by Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2018 Second prize of Provincial Teaching Achievement
2017 First prize and Second prize of School Teaching Achievement
2015 Top Ten Female Teacher by Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
2014 Blue Sky Award by United Nations Industrial Development Organization
2014 Young Scholar of Distinction by Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Courses Taught
Principles and Technologies of Biomass Energy Utilization
Introduction to Renewable Energy
English for Energy and Power Engineering
Renewable Energy and Clean Energy Utilization
Energy Economics
1. Jan. 2021- Dec. 2024, National Natural Science Foundation of China on “System integration modeling and integrated environmental Impact of biochar negative carbon technology”
2. Jan. 2016- Dec. 2019, National Natural Science Foundation of China on “Mechanism study on enhanced biomass low-temperature de-oxygen combined with catalyst pyrolysis process to make mononuclear aromatics”
3. Jan. 2014-Dec. 2016, National Natural Science Foundation of China on “Coupling mechanism study on biomass low-temperature de-oxygen and its pyrolysis process”
4. Jan. 2013.1-Dec. 2014, Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province in China on “Mechanism study on Municipal waste low-temperature de-oxygen and its pyrolysis process”