Phone: +86 27 87540164
Email: yang_jun@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Nuclear Engineering; Thermal Engineering
Research Interests: Thermal-Hydraulics, Best Estimate plus Uncertainty, Digital Twin application, MSBE, System Code Verification and validation
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, 2010, Purdue University.
B.Eng. in Nuclear Engineering, 2000, Tsinghua University.
Professional Experience
Professor (2015-present), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Research Fellow (2013-2015), Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland;
Research Associate (2011-2013), Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.
Selected Publications
· 1. Yang Jun, Xu Le-Jin, Yang Ye, 2021, Status Report on Filtered Containment Venting, Translation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press
· 2. Sui, Z., Yang, J., Deng, C., Yang, Y., 2020. Numerical simulation of the effects of trefoil tube support plates on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of a steam generator. Int J Energ Res 44, 7761-7777.
· 3. Yang, Y., Deng, C., Yang, J., 2020. Best estimate plus uncertainty analysis of a small-break LOCA on an advanced Generation-III pressurized water reactor. Int J Energ Res.
· 4. Yang, Y., Yang, J., Deng, C., Ishii, M., 2020. Simulation and uncertainty analysis of main steam line break accident on an integral test facility. Ann Nucl Energy 144, 107565.
· 5. Dong, S., Zhou, X., Yang, J., 2020. Thermal-hydraulic behaviors of a wet scrubber filtered containment venting system in 1000 MWe PWR with two venting strategies for long-term operation. Nuclear Engineering and Technology 52, 1396-1408.
Hubei Province Nominated Talents Award, 2016.
Courses Taught
Reactor thermal-hydraulics (BA course)
NPP modelling and simulation (BA course)
Gas-liquid Two Phase Flow in Energy Systems (BA course)
Progress in Energy Science (PhD course)
National Natural Science Foundation of China Special Fund for Youth Talent, “Key Problems in the Advanced Nuclear System Design and Analysis”, January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019, Principal Investigator.