Academic area: Energy and Chemical engineering
Supervised International students: Inamullah Mian (Pakistan), Omar D. Dacres (Jamaica), Elbager M.A. Edreis (Sultan)
l Research Interests:
Upgrading of low grade fuel (low rank coal, biomass, and organic solid waste)
Thermal conversion of solid fuel (Pyrolysis, gasification and combustion)
l Academic Degrees
PhD, 2006, Dalian University of Technology, China;
l Professional Experience
Professor (2019.2- present): School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Vice dean (2017.09-2020.9): School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xinjiang University;
Associate Professor (2013.2 - 2019.1): School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Assistant Professor (2010.7-2013.01), Kyoto University (Japan)
COE researcher (2009.7-2010.6), Kyoto University (Japan)
Post-Doctor (2008.4-2009.6): Max-Planck Institute (Germany).
l Selected Publications
1. Hu, Z., Li, X*., Sun, Y., Donovan Dacres, O., Wang, Y., Hu, H.,... Yao, H. (2021). “Thermal-dissolution based carbon enrichment” treatment of biomass wastes: Mechanism study of biomass pyrolysis in a highly- dispersed medium. Energy Conversion and Management, 238, 114151. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114151
2. Hu, Z., Yuan, Y., Li, X*, Tu, Z., Donovan Dacres, O., Zhu, Y.,... Yao, H. (2022). Yield prediction of “Thermal-dissolution based carbon enrichment” treatment on biomass wastes through coupled model of artificial neural network and AdaBoost. Bioresource Technology, 343, 126083. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126083
3. Tong, S., Sun, Y., Li, X*, Hu, Z., Worasuwannarak, N., Liu, H.,... Yao, H. (2021b). Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: Co-gasification of gas-pressurized torrefied biomass with coal. Bioresource Technology, 321, 124505. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.124505
4. Yiming Sun, Shan Tong, Xian Li*, Feng Wang, Zhenzhong Hu, Omar D. Dacres, Elbager M.A. Edreis, Nakorn Worasuwannarak, Mingyue Sun, Huan Liu, Hongyu Hu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao.Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: The optimization of pressurization condition and the pyrolysis of torrefied biomass. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 319: 124216.
5. Shan Tong, Yiming Sun, Xian Li*, Zhenzhong Hu, Omar D. Dacres, Nakorn Worasuwannarak, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: Roles of pressure and secondary reactions. Bioresource Technology. Bioresource Technology. 2020, 123640.
6. Omar D. Dacres, Shan Tong, Xian Li*, Yiming Sun, Feng Wang, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao, Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: The effect of varied pressure on pyrolysis kinetics and mechanism of torrefied biomass, Fuel, 2020, 276: 118132.
7. Inamullah Mian, Xian Li*, Omar D. Dacres, Jianjiang Wang, Bo Wei, Yiming Jian, Mei Zhong, Jingmei Liu, Fengyun Ma, Noor Rahman, Combustion kinetics and mechanism of biomass pellet, Energy, 2020, 205: 117-909.
8. Jianjiang Wang, Bo Wei, Xian Li*, Wenjun Yang, Cheng Zhang, Inamullah Mian, Houzhang Tan, Fengyun Ma, Study on reduction characteristics of Fe species in coal ash under SNCR condition, Fuel, 2020, 277: 118231.
9. Zhenzhong Hu, Xian Li*, Zhengjun Tu, Yuxian Wang, Omar Donovan Dacres, Yiming Sun, Mingyue Sun, Hong Yao, “Thermal dissolution carbon enrichment” treatment of biomass wastes: Supercapacitor electrode preparation using the residue, Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 205: 106430.
10. Weixiang Qian, Xian Li*, Xianqing Zhu, Zhenzhong Hu, Xu Zhang, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao, Preparation of activated carbon nanofibers using degradative solvent extraction products obtained from low-rank coal and their utilization in supercapacitors, RSC Advances, 2020, 10(14): 8172-8180.
11. Zhao Xiong, Yaxin Gao, Xian Li*, Lizhi Ding, Guangqian Luo, Dunxi Yu, Xin Yu, Hong Yao, A novel CO2-water leaching method for AAEM removal from coal: Suppression of PM formation and release during Zhundong coal combustion, Fuel, 2020, 271: 117689.
12. Xianqing Zhu, Weixiang Qian, Xian Li*, Shan Tong, Zhenzhong Hu, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Hong Yao, Moisture adsorption and spontaneous combustion characteristics of biomass wastes after degradative solvent extraction, Fuel, 2020, 266: 109-117.
13. Omar D. Dacres, ShanTong, Xian Li*, et al., Pyrolysis kinetics of biomasses pretreated by gas-pressurized torrefaction, Energy Conversion and Management, 182 (2019) 117-125.
14. C. Wu, W. Qian, X. Li*, et al., Preparation of carbon nanofiber with specific features by degradative solvent extraction product from biomass wastes, Fuel, 258 (2019) 116-149.
15. I. Mian, X. Li*, Y. Jian, et al., Kinetic study of biomass pellet pyrolysis by using distributed activation energy model and Coats Redfern methods and their comparison, Bioresource Technology, 294 (2019) 122-099.
16. Y. JIAN, X. Li*, X. ZHU, R. ASHIDA, N. WORASUWANNARAK, Z. HU, G. LUO, H. YAO, Interaction between low rank coal and biomass during degradative solvent extraction, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 47 (2019) 14-22
17. L. Ding, Y. Gao, X. Li*, et al., A novel CO2-water leaching method for AAEM removal from Zhundong coal, Fuel, 237 (2019) 786-792.
l Awards:
1. 2019, Award for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education
2. 2019, Outstanding Contribution Award from Xinjiang Chemical Society
3. 2019-present, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Thermal Power Engineering;
4. 2018, Leading talents in science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship in Suzhou High-tech Zone
5. 2013, "Chutian Scholar" in Hubei Province;
6. 2012, Japan Energy Society Annual Award
7. 2012, Outstanding Paper Award of Japan Coal Science Conference
l Courses Taught
Principle and technology of biomass energy utilization
Principle and technology of solid waste energy utilization
Coal chemistry
l Selected Main Projects
1. Development and industrialization of preparation technology of fly ash-based ceramic materials, a pilot project in Foshan City to promote the development of scientific and technological achievements service industry in universities, 2021/10-2021/09. (Project manager)
2. Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional and Innovation (PMU-B), Production of high-quality bio-oil and biochar from pyrolysis process of torrefied biomass wastes, June 2020/06-2021/07. (Project manager)
3. The National Key Research and Development Program of China (SQ2019YFC190252), Technology and equipment for efficient gasification of organic solid waste and deep utilization of products, 2020/01-2023/12. (Sub-project leader)
4. Commercial research funds, Dealkalization technology by hot flue gas enhanced water for high-alkali coal in Xinjiang, 2020.1-2020.12. (Project manager)
5. Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion(International cooperation projects, FSKLCCA2011), The effect mechanism of recycled solvent during the “thermal dissolution carbon enrichment” of biomass wastes,2020/01-2020/12. (Project manager)
6. Ministry of Science and Technology Outstanding Young Scientists from Developing Countries Work in China Project,Study on biomass torrefaction and its pyrolysis kinetics,2019.04.3-2020.04.2. (Project manager)
7. National Natural Science Foundation of China (21776109), Study on the interaction mechanism of circulating solvent and coal in the process of low-rank coal hot-melt extraction upgrade-multi-stage separation, 2018/01-2021/12. (Project manager)
8. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project, Study on Multi-stage Separation and Upgrading of Low-rank Coal and Its Kinetics under Mild Conditions, 2014/01-2016/12. (Project manager)