Email: hurun@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Engineering Thermophysics
Research Interests: LED packaging and thermal management, Microscale heat transfer, Transformation thermodynamics and thermal metamaterials.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Engineering Thermophysics, 2015, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
BA in Thermal Engineering, 2010, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor (2015-present), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Visiting Scholar (2014-2015), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA.
Selected Publications
1. Luo Xiaobing and Hu Run, Chip Packaging: Encapsulation of nitride LEDs, Chapter 15, in Nitride Semiconductor Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) –Materials, Technologies and Applications, Woodhead Publishing, UK, 2013.
2. Luo Xiaobing and Hu Run, Thermal management on LED packaging and applications, Chapter 9, Annual Review of Heat Transfer: 371-414, USA, 2015
1. Luo X., Hu R., Liu S., and Wang K. (2016). “Heat and Fluid Flow in High-power LED Packaging and Applications”. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2016, 56:1-32.
2. Hu R., Xie B., Hu J., Chen Q., and Luo X. (2015). “Carpet thermal cloak realization based on the refraction law of heat flux”. Europhysics Letters 2015, 111, 54003.
3. Hu R., Du Z., Cheng T., Huang Z., Liu W., and Luo X. (2015). “Noninvasively probing the light-emitting diode temperature by magnetic nanoparticles” Journal of Applied Physics 2015, 118, 124501.
4. Hu R., Wei X., Hu J., and Luo X. (2014). “Local heating realization by reverse thermal cloak”. Scientific Reports 2014, 4, 3600.
5. Hu R., Cheng T., Li L., Ma J. and Luo X. (2014). “Phosphor distribution optimization to decrease the junction temperature in white pc-LEDs by genetic algorithm”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2014, 77: 891-896.
6. Hu R., Wang Y., Zou Y., Chen X., Liu S., and Luo X. (2013). “Study on phosphor sedimentation effect in white LED packages by modeling multi-layer phosphors with the modified Kubelka-Munk theory”. Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 113, 063108.
7. Hu R., Yu S., Zou Y., Zheng H., Wang F., Liu S., and Luo X. (2013). “Near-/mid-field effect of color mixing for single phosphor -converted light-emitting diode package” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 2013, 25(3): 246-249.
8. Hu R., Luo X., Zheng H., Zong Q., Gan Z., Wu B., and Liu S. (2012). “Design of a novel freeform lens for LED uniform illumination and conformal phosphor coating”. Optics Express, 2012, 20(13): 13727–13737.
9. Hu R., Luo X., Feng H., and Liu S. (2012). “Effect of phosphor settling on the optical performance of phosphor-converted white light-emitting diodes”. Journal of Luminescence 2012, 132: 1252-1256.
10. Hu R., Luo X., and Zheng H. (2012). “Hotspot location shift in the high-power phosphor-converted white light-emitting diode packages”. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 51, 09MK05.
Courses Taught
1. Engineering Heat Transfer (BA course)
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 51606074), “Modeling and experimental study on phosphor particle sedimentation in LED packaging”, January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019, Principal Investigator.