(Translated by Ying Zhou ) On the morning of June 21, 2023, Professor Nemiti Doner from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Turkey GAZI University, was invited to visit the School of Energy and Power Engineering (EPE) and delivered a lecture entitled "International academic exchange in heat transfer and scholar life in HUST & GAZI". The lecture was hosted by Professor Chun Lou of EPE, attracting more than 30 teachers and students.

During the lecture, Prof. Doner first briefly introduced the geographical location, history, and culture of Turkey. She then introduced her research at GAZI University in detail, including the discrete ordinate method and the radiation characteristics of soot aggregate in radiation heat transfer. Later, Prof. Doner elaborated on the work cooperated with our school, including the entropy and exergy analysis of coupled radiation heat transfer and heat conduction, and experimental studies of flame measurement based on emission spectroscopy. Finally, she shared with the teachers and students her first visit to Wuhan, China, as well as her experience of exchanging culture and making friends with Chinese teachers.

This lecture provides an opportunity for our teachers and students to deeply understand the coupling research of thermal radiation and combustion and provides valuable ideas for research and application in related fields. In addition, through Prof. Doner's enthusiastic sharing of Turkish culture and her positive response to Chinese civilization and culture, we realized the friendly exchange of culture between the two countries.
About the Speaker:
NIMETI DONER received her undergraduate degree in the Department of Mechanical Engineering from the Anadolu University and the PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Eskyhill Osmangatzi University in Turkey. Dr. DONER has completed a postdoctoral research program at the Middle East University of Science and Technology (METU). She has been teaching at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at GAZI University since January 2019. Professor DONER has published a teaching book on numerical analysis as well as many papers on radiation heat transfer. She has served as a reviewer of many prestigious journals. Her research field mainly includes the calculation of radiation properties of particles and gases.