Associate Professor
Email: ly_hust@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Engineering Thermophysics
Research Interests: Synergy of Material Flow - Energy Flow - Information Flow, Energy Economics and Management, Urban Energy Efficiency.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Engineering Thermophysics, 2009, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
M. S. in Control Engineering, 2000, Wuhan University of Technology;
B. S. in Automation Engineering, 1997, Wuhan University of Technology;
Professional Experience
Associate Professor (2010-present), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Visiting Scholar (2015-2016), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, USA;
Postdoctoral Fellow (2010-2012), Institute of Technology,
WISDRI Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited Company;
Lecturer(2000-2010),School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Selected Publications
1. Yan Long, Suyi Huang. Energy Conservation Introduction (second edition). Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2017.12;
2. Suyi Huang, Yan Long etc. Energy Management. Beijin: China Electric Power Press, 2017.10;
3. Suyi Huang, Yan Long etc. New Energy Generation Technology. Beijin: China Electric Power Press, 2016.6;
4. Suyi Huang, Yan Long. Energy Economics. Beijin: China Electric Power Press, 2010.8.
1. Yuhui Jin, Yan Long*, Shiping Jin, Qing Yang, Bingnan Chen, YanLi, LijieXu. An energy management maturity model for China: Linking ISO 50001:2018 and domestic practices. Journal of Cleaner Production. 290(2021), 125168.
2. Zhongnong Zhang,Chun Lou*,Yan Long*,Benjamin M.Kumfer. Thermodynamics second-law analysis of hydrocarbon diffusion flames: Effects of soot and temperature. Combustion and Flame. 234(2021), 111618.
3. Zhongnong Zhang , Chun Lou*, Zhi Li , Yan Long*. Evaluation of radiative entropy generation in a high temperature system including H2O, CO2 and soot with non-gray wall. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 253(2020), 107175.
4. Kai Chen, Leiqiong Cai, Yan Long*. Trend model for regional energy consumption system based on theory of synergetics. International Conference on Environment, Renewable Energy and Green Chemical Engineering (EREGCE 2022).
5. Leiqiong Cai, Li Chen, Fabrice Devaux, Yan Long*. Long-distance transport of green power via high voltage direct current submarine cable. International Conference on Environment, Renewable Energy and Green Chemical Engineering (EREGCE 2022).
6. Jishan He, Chun Fu, Yan Long. Promoting the High-Quality Development of Central China Through Energy Revolution: Theoretic Analysis and Implementation Paths. Strategic Study of CAE, 23(2021).
7. Hongyu Zhou, Qifu Zhang, Yan Long*. Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission Reduction Potential of Transportation in Hubei Province . Co-Operative Economy & Science. 14(2020), 12-15.
8. Qifu Zhang, Yan Long, Junyin Zhang, Hongyu Zhou. Synergetic Trend Forecasting Model of Regional Energy-economy:A Case Study of Wuhan . Energy and Conservation. 4(2020),2-5.
9. Molin Huo, Yuting Yan, Haiyan Zhang, Yan Long, Hongyu Zhou, Tao Wu, Leiqiong Cai, He Feng. High Quality Urban Development Driven by Energy Revolution. Co-Operative Economy & Science. 24(2019),40-41.
10. Hanwen Sun, Yan Long, Xinghui Wang, Junyin Zhang. Analysis on Energy Network of Hubei Province Based on Information Ecology Network Method. Energy and Conservation. 3(2019),5-9.
11. Wenshuo Li, Yan Long, Shiping Jin, Junyin Zhang. Study on Heat Storage Type Shuttle Klin Energy Saving Technology Based on Improved Type PLC. Shanghai Energy Conservation. 2(2019),144-148.
12. Hanwen Sun, Yan Long. The Application of GLPK to Solve the Problem of Regional Energy Model Analysis. Resources Economization & Environmental Protection. 2(2019),2.
13. Kangbo Chang, Yan Long, Yuhui Jin, Shiping Jin. Design and Application of the Fast Identification Method of Energy Saving Opportunities in Air-compressed System. Energy and Conservation. 2(2019),5.
14. Junyin Zhang, Yuhui Jin, Yan Li, Wenshuo Li, Yan Long*. Study on Energy Management and Optimization Path of Industrial Enterprises. Standard Science. 2(2018),5.
15. Xinghui Wang, Yan Long*. The Sustainable Research Based on Ecological Footprint and Ecological Information-based Approach in Guangzhou. Industrial Economy Review. 4.1(2017),10.
16. Yuhui Jin, Yonghong Huang, Shipin Jin, Junyin Zhang, Yan Long*. The Design of Flat Energy Management Structure for Iron & Steel Enterprises in China. 35th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 2017.
17. Yingju Yang , Jing Liu*, Fenghua Shen , Lipeng Zhao , Zhen Wang , Yan Long. Kinetic study of heterogeneous mercury oxidation by HCl on fly ash surface in coal-fired flue gas. Combustion and Flame, 168(2016): 1-9.
18. Minjun Wang, Jing Liu*, Fenghua Shen, Hao Cheng, Jinxin Dai, Yan Long. Theoretical study of stability and reaction mechanism of CuOsupported on ZrO2during chemical looping combustionMinjun. Applied Surface Science, 367(2016): 485-492.
19. H.S. Fang, J. Tian, S. Wang, Y. Long*, M.J. Zhang, C.J. Zhao. Numerical Optimization of Czochralski Sapphire Single Crystal Growth using Orthogonal Design Method. Crystal Research and Technology, 49(2014): 323-330.
20. Xiaohu Yang, Yan Long*, Lingzhao Meng, Yuhui Jin. Natural Ventilation Design and Optimization of Large-Scale Industrial Workshop. Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. GCCSEE, 2014: 2137-2140.
21. Yan Long, Jinming Feng, Ke Liu, Shiping Jin, Yan Fu. Numerical Simulation of Natural Ventilation in a Large-scale Factory Building Based on Orthogonal Test Design. ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
22. Yan Long, Ke Liu, Shiping Jin, Yan Fu. Simulation of Natural Ventilation of Workshop in Large-scale Iron and Steel Enterprises Based on CFD. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 170-173(2012): 2478-2483.
23. Yan Long, Ke Liu, Suyi Huang. A control strategy for large-scale system Based on the synergy among material flow, energy flow and information flow. International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology 2010: 4312-4315.
24. Yan Long, Ke Liu, Suyi Huang. Application of Synergetic Control Strategy for Large-scale Systems in the Iron and Steel Industry. International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology 2010: 4316-4319.
25. Yan Long, Suyi Huang, Ke Liu. Basic Characteristics of Material flow, Energy flow and Information flow in Large-Scale Systems, Advances in Systems Science and Applications. 8(2008): 335-341.
26. Yan Long, Suyi Huang, Ke Liu. Basic characteristics of material flow, energy flow and information flow in large-scale systems. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition). 36(2008): 87-90.
27. Yan Long, Suyi Huang, Hongwei Zhang. Approach to synergy among material flow, energy flow and information flow. 57(2006): 2135-2139.
Awards and Honors
1. The 2nd Award of the first Teaching Innovation Competition for College Teachers, Hubei Province, 2021.
2. The 2nd Award of National Teaching Achievement of Higher Education, China, 2018.
3. The 2nd Award of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2018.
4. The 1st Award of Teaching Achievement of Higher Education, Hubei Province, 2017.
5. The Top Grade Award of Teaching Achievement, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2016.
6. The 2nd Award of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2015.
7. Union activity activist, 2014.
8. The 2nd Award of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2013.
9. The 2nd Award of Excellent Teaching Quality, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2010.
10. Excellent Party branch secretary, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2010.
11. The 1st Award in teacher competition, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2008.
12. Science and Technology Progress Award, Hubei province, 2008.
Courses Taught
Engineering Heat Transfer (BA course)
Energy Economics (MS course)
Thermal Signal Processing and Visualization (MS course)
1. Enterprise Cooperation Project: Energy Transition Path Optimization and Research in Xiaoshan District, 2021/09-2022/04;
2. Enterprise Cooperation Project: Study on the Energy Transition Path of Henan Province under the Background of Carbon Neutrality, 2021/06-2021/12;
3. Enterprise Cooperation Project: 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Preparation Project of Jingmen City, Hubei Province, 2020/06-2020/12;
4. International cooperation project: Technical and Economic Feasibility of Hydrogen Supply Project from Renewable Energy in Southern Provinces to Guangdong, 2020/08-2021/12;
5. Hubei Province Project: Project of Preparing Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2014-2016 by Hubei Energy Conservation Supervision Center, 2018/01-2018/10;
6. Enterprise Cooperation Project: Research on Urban Energy Model Based on LEAP Model, 2019/08-2019/10;
7. CAE Consulting Project: The Rise of Central China Driven by Energy Revolution (Hubei Province), 2019/01-2019/12;
8. Hubei Province Project: Hubei New Energy Industry Chain Investment Guide Preparation Project, 2019/06-2019/12;
9. Hubei Province Science and Technology Support Project: Research of ‘M-E-I Synergy’ Ecological & Environment Evaluation System and Low Carbon Demonstration in YiCheng Experimentation area of national sustainable in China, 2015/01–2017/12;
10. National Natural Science Foundation of China : NSFC51106055, Study on synergism among material flow, energy flow and information flow in high energy consumption industry, 2012/01 –2014/12;
11. HUST Project: 2013QN076, Research of New industrial building energy optimization control , 2013/01 –2014/12;
12. HUST Project: 2011QN159, Study on synergetic control among material flow, energy flow and information flow in high energy consumption industry , 2011/06 –2012/12.