On September 17, 2021, the second phase of the "Postdoctoral Forum" of the School of Energy and Power Engineering (EPE) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) was successfully held in Room 505, West Building. This is an activity to deepen scientific research and popularize scientific knowledge targeting all undergraduates organized by the Party Branch of the State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion. This event is themed "Energy: From the past to the future", co-presented by 7 post-doctoral fellows of the State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion:Feng Chao, Wu Jianqun, Wang Wenxia, Deng Lidan, Han Jingkun, Huang Jingchun, and Peng Yang. The listeners were 22 representatives of 2018-2020 undergraduates from EPE. Other participants included Yao Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee of EPE and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Cheng Qiang, Luo Cong, Gong Xun and Yang Yingju from the second Party Branch of the State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Li Li, Counselor of the HUST Student Union. This event is divided into two stages: speech session and tea party.
The speech session consists of 7 vivid speeches by 7 post-doctoral fellows from the perspectives of "energy science development all through history", "combustion-based energy science", "clean combustion", "low carbon combustion", "non-carbon fuels", "multidisciplinary development", and "vision of the future". Dr. Feng Chao looked back upon some interesting facts and thoughts related to energy science all through its historical development, arousing students' strong curiosity and enthusiasm towards energy science; starting from combustion theories, Dr. Wu Jianqun progressively talked about the combustion-based development history of energy science; Dr. Wang Wenxia reviewed the progress and achievements made by predecessors of tEPE in the research of clean combustion technology; Dr. Deng Lidan and Dr. Han Jingkun sorted out two trends of energy science development, i.e. low-carbon combustion and non-carbon fuels against the backdrop of current carbon neutrality; Dr. Huang Jingchun showed everyone the creative and divergent development of energy subjects in multiple fields, such as environment, materials, aerospace, and navigation, etc., as well as the comprehensiveness of the state key laboratory in scientific research; in the end, from the perspective of the students present, Dr. Peng Yang elaborated on the reform of energy development and the prospects of students majored in energy, which were well received by students at the scene.
During the tea party, milk tea and moon cakes were ready for teachers and students involved in the event, changing from the relatively formal aura to a hot discussion. The undergraduates, teachers, and postdoctoral fellows had full exchanges on topics such as scientific research, competitions, studying abroad, postgraduate entrance examinations, etc. The successive speeches by Gong Xun and Li Li, teachers from EPE, further enlivened the atmosphere. The 7 postdoctoral fellows involved in this event fully shared their scientific research experience, growth, and insights with teachers and students present, fully demonstrating their self-confidence and demeanor as members of EPE and young scholars working on energy science, with bursts of warm applause heard. Mr. Cheng Qiang made a concluding speech at the end, suggesting that students of EPE should be confident in the discipline and future prospects, be an "energy man" and energy scholar of great enthusiasm to assume their own responsibilities and missions, with a view to making their own significant contributions to China's energy science, energy security, and energy development.
The whole event lasting for 3 hours, wrapped up with a happy ending.